Tuesday, April 17, 2012

On: Eevees

   The new game is a no-go. It’s getting a bit tiring only having these few systems. I did however find Phantom Dust in the original box, and it even had the booklet. Being as I was introduced to the game without ever having seen these, I was excited. I even almost bought it. However I found a title I’m actually interested in. Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns. The new features intrigue me. An actual dating system? What do you mean I have to take them out on dates? So I have to be a gentleman in the game, too? I do that enough in real life. Another game I’m set to play at the next opportunity is Chrono Trigger for the DS. I’m rather excited, because I’ve heard amazing things about it. This however is on hold until I get the game. So still I am wasting away the day with games I’ve played to hell and back.
   Today is a tad bit different. I decided it would be a good day to delve back into Pokémon Diamond. Now, I am an Eevee trainer. The sad thing about this is that I couldn’t be one until after I beat the Elite Four. So, after getting bored of that generation of Pokémon several times, I finally came upon these five trainers. I beat them even. I go find the person who will give you a free Eevee. I say great, now I just have to catch a female, and I can breed the fuck out of them and get my two sets of dream teams. One which is a fighting force and one which is filled with contest masters. The problem? Took me a week to come across a female Eevee. Then, it took another two weeks to breed the proper genders. I only got males. I needed females for Espeon, Vaporeon, Glaceon, and Leafeon. I only hatched males. I’m specific about my Eevees. So I finally get my first team. The fighters. I evolve them at the proper time in order to get the best moveset. The next problem is that everywhere I want to go has very high level wild Pokémon. I need to train them. Tedious, annoying work. All the while I’m still hatching eggs so that I can get the perfect contest entries. Getting the proper gender, tastes, AND personalities for each one? Nigh impossible. I curse the day I decided to make Eeveelutions my dream teams. I have about three dozen newborn Eevees in my boxes. Sweet. I feel like Ash with his overload of Tauros. The daycare must think I sell baby Eevees to rich old people as pets. Or that I’m trying to overpopulate the world with them. Imagine, finding more Eevees in tall grass than Zubat in a cave. That would be the ideal world to me.
   The other day some friends of mine showed me a website filled with videogame related shots and drinks. Now, I was intrigued, some looked rather interesting, some looked frightening, and some were downright cool. We came across the Pokémon related ones. They pointed out their favorite little beast and what they would have to take for that particular series of evolutions. Then we saw the Eeveelutions. I certainly hope they don’t make any more evolutions any time soon. That would wreck my night. They certainly did fit the Pokémon well, though.
   So anyone need some male Eevees? I have a few to spare.

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